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Traditionally, the catering business has been viewed very differently from the restaurant business. Despite being two sides of the same coin, their business dynamics and operational

  • By Sakshi Singh
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  • 12 Min Read

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In today's retail world, digital marketing is constantly evolving, with trends changing as quickly as social media updates, driving a significant transformation

  • By Aritra Ghosh
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  • 13 Min Read

Over the past decade, the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) landscape in India has transformed dramatically. This change has been driven by evolving consumer preferences,

  • By Aritra Ghosh
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  • 7 Min Read

In the dynamic landscape of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), companies face unique challenges when trying to implement unified commerce, primarily due

  • By Vaishnavi Gupta
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  • 7 Min Read

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