5 Reasons Why Rethinking Safety Standards in Restaurant Operations is a Must

Regular and thorough training sessions are essential for preparing staff to handle emergencies effectively, yet many establishments cut corners, viewing such training as an expendable cost.

By Sakshi singh , Contributory Author

12 Mar 2024 | 11 min read

Safety and security in restaurants are paramount concerns that intertwine closely with customer trust and business sustainability. In India, the enforcement of safety and security measures across restaurants varies significantly, reflecting a spectrum of compliance with the required licenses and standards, including fire safety, food hygiene, and security measures.

To ensure safety, restaurants are mandated to obtain various licenses and comply with regulations that include fire safety certificates, food safety and standards licenses, and sometimes, local health department certifications. The depth of implementation of these regulations can significantly vary based on several factors, including the location of the establishment, the resources available, and the commitment of the management to adhere to these norms.

In metropolitan cities and areas with high tourist footfall, there's generally a higher level of compliance. This can be attributed to stricter enforcement by local authorities, higher customer expectations, and the establishments' own initiatives to maintain brand reputation. However, in smaller towns and less regulated areas, the adherence to safety and security norms can be less consistent. This inconsistency often results from limited resources, lack of awareness among restaurant owners, or perceived leniency in enforcement by authorities.

The seriousness with which restaurants in India take these regulations also varies. High-end restaurants and those part of reputable chains or hotels often adhere to international standards of safety and security, recognizing it as integral to their brand and customer satisfaction. These establishments invest in regular audits, training for their staff, and updating their infrastructure to meet safety requirements.

Commitment to Safety Standards is a must

“The integration of stringent safety and security protocols emerges as a key driver of sustainable growth. This strategic embrace goes beyond mere compliance, underscoring a deep-seated commitment to fostering trust and safety in every dining experience. It is a testament to the industry's resolve to not only meet but exceed expectations, ensuring that every meal is backed by a promise of security and excellence,”Om Nayak, Founder of brands like Pasta Bowl stated. 

Conversely, smaller or independent restaurants might not always exhibit the same level of diligence, partly due to the costs involved in meeting these standards and partly due to a lack of enforcement. That said, awareness and adherence to safety norms are gradually improving across the board, driven by increased consumer awareness, digital media exposure, and stricter regulations.

Upgradation should be constant

Just a week following a minor explosion, Rameshwarma Cafe in the bustling Brookefield area of Bengaluru welcomed back its patrons on Friday, pledging to offer the "safest and exceptional dining experience." The establishment is poised for a significant resurgence, introducing special measures to fortify public safety. Key among these enhancements is the installation of metal detectors at the cafe's entrance. Additionally, a dedicated individual has been employed to vigilantly monitor the clientele and any unusual activities, reinforcing the cafe's security framework.

Raghavendra Rao, the proprietor of Rameshwaram Cafe, remarked, "In preparation for our reopening, we've implemented comprehensive safety measures. The local government and police have provided invaluable advice on strategic placements for additional CCTV cameras. We are committed to maintaining a secure environment by appointing a staff member exclusively tasked with overseeing the premises. The authorities have also supported us in integrating metal detectors."

This event has catalyzed a transformative shift in the approach to safety and security within the restaurant industry. The emphasis has expanded beyond mere surveillance and protection against potential hazards to encompass a broader, more inclusive understanding of security, marking a new era in restaurant safety protocols.

Challenges towards pertaining safety and security

Foremost among these challenges is a pervasive lack of awareness among restaurant owners regarding the latest safety standards and security protocols. This gap in knowledge often leads to inadvertent non-compliance, leaving both patrons and staff at risk. Compounding this issue are the financial constraints that many small and medium-sized establishments grapple with. The high costs associated with installing state-of-the-art safety equipment and maintaining stringent security measures can be daunting, pushing many to opt for compromise over compliance.

“The proactive adoption of advanced safety measures within India's dining establishments marks a critical evolution in business strategy, emphasizing the importance of customer and employee well-being in the recipe for long-term success. This action-oriented approach reflects a broader understanding of hospitality, where operational resilience and the assurance of a safe dining environment become central to building enduring relationships with patrons. It is a clear indication that the industry is not just responding to challenges but is actively shaping a future where safety and security are integral to the culinary experience," Raghav Thakur, Founder of The Dessert Company chain stated. 

How governing body plays important role

Regulatory hurdles further exacerbate the situation. While rules and regulations for restaurant safety exist, their enforcement remains inconsistent, marred by bureaucratic complexities and a lack of regular inspections. This inconsistency is mirrored in the infrastructure of many eateries, particularly older ones, which were not designed with modern safety measures in mind. Retrofitting these spaces to meet current standards is often a costly and challenging endeavor.

Cultural attitudes towards restaurant safety and security also play a pivotal role. In India's hospitality-centric culture, the focus traditionally leans more towards creating an inviting dining experience rather than on the intricacies of safety infrastructure. This cultural nuance, while fostering a warm and welcoming atmosphere, sometimes sidelines the critical importance of safety and security measures.

Training is the key

The scarcity of comprehensive training programs for restaurant staff on emergency procedures further widens the safety gap. Regular and thorough training sessions are essential for preparing staff to handle emergencies effectively, yet many establishments cut corners, viewing such training as an expendable cost.

At least five people were hospitalised after they consumed mouth freshener at a restaurant in Gurugram. After having their meals, they consumed mouth fresheners offered by restaurant staff, which resulted in an immediate deterioration of their health. The mouth fresgner later was found out to be dry ice. This is a sheer example of lack of training among staff. 

Amidst rapid industry growth and scalability challenges, the pressure to expand often outstrips the ability of restaurants to maintain or enhance their safety and security protocols, leaving vulnerabilities unchecked. Additionally, the enforcement of certain measures necessitates customer cooperation, which can be challenging to secure. Practices such as bag checks and the use of metal detectors, aimed at bolstering security, are sometimes met with resistance from patrons who view them as inconveniences.

Addressing these multifaceted issues demands a concerted effort from all stakeholders involved. By fostering greater awareness, simplifying regulatory processes, and potentially offering financial aids or incentives for safety upgrades, the path to a safer dining environment can be paved. Encouraging a cultural shift that places equal emphasis on hospitality and safety will further ensure that India's rich culinary heritage continues to thrive, underpinned by the assurance of security and well-being for all.

Safety and security in restaurants are paramount concerns that intertwine closely with customer trust and business sustainability. In India, the enforcement of safety and security measures across restaurants varies significantly, reflecting a spectrum of compliance with the required licenses and standards, including fire safety, food hygiene, and security measures.

To ensure safety, restaurants are mandated to obtain various licenses and comply with regulations that include fire safety certificates, food safety and standards licenses, and sometimes, local health department certifications. The depth of implementation of these regulations can significantly vary based on several factors, including the location of the establishment, the resources available, and the commitment of the management to adhere to these norms.

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